Chapter 12

Introduction to Nonlinear Regression

12.1 As θ2 decreases, the curve becomes steeper.
12.3 As θ3 increases, the curve becomes steeper.
12.5 a. As θ2 decreases, the curve becomes steeper.
b. As x → ∞, E(y) → 1.
c. When x = 0, E(y) = θ1 exp{−θ2}.
12.7 a. This is an intrinsically linear model.


b. The model is nonlinear.
c. The model is nonlinear.
d. This is an intrinsically linear model.


e. The model is nonlinear.
12.9 = −.121x2 + 1.066e.4928x1. An approximate 95% confidence interval for θ3 is (−1.027, .785). Since this interval contains 0, we conclude there is no difference in the two days.
12.11 a.
b. = .3896 − (−.2194)e−.0992x. The starting values were obtained by plotting ...

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