Chapter 13

Generalized Linear Models

13.1 a.
b. Deviance = 17.59 with p = 0.483 indicating that the model is adequate.
c. ÔR = e−.0177 = .9825 indicating that for every additional knot in speed the odds of hitting the target decrease by 1.75%.
d. The difference in the deviances is basically zero indicating that there is no need for the quadratic term.
13.3 a.
b. Deviance = .372 with p = 1.000 indicating that the model is adequate.
c. The difference in the deviances is Dev(x) − Dev(x, x2) = .372 − .284 = .088 indicating that there is no need for the quadratic term.
d. For H0 : β1 = 0, the Wald statistic is Z = −.42 which is not significant. For H0 : β2 = 0, the Wald statistic is Z = −.30 which is not significant.
e. An approximate 95% confidence interval for β1 is (−.0018, .0033) and an approximate 95% confidence interval for β2 is (7.15 × 10−7, 5.27 × 10−7).
13.5 a.
b. Deviance = 14.76 indicating that the model is adequate.
c. For 1, we get ÔR ≈ 1 indicating that the odds are basically even. For 1, we get ÔR = 3.52 indicating that every one year increase in the age of the current car ...

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