Chapter 2

Voices Out of the Past

by Don Davis

2.1  Significant Figures in the History of Audio and Acoustics

2.2  1893—The Magic Year

2.3  Bell laboratories and Western Electric

2.4  Harvey Fletcher (1884–1981)

2.5  Harry Nyquist (1889–1976)

2.6  The dB, dBm, and the VI

2.7  Sound System Equalization

2.8  Acoustic Measurements—Richard C. Heyser (1931–1987)

2.9  Calculators and Computers

2.10  The Meaning of Communication

2.11  Historical Notes


During the fall of 1978, we stopped in Williamsburg, Virginia. As is our habit, we explored the old-bookstores and asked whether they had any books on acoustics. We were told they had just one, an old one. They brought out a vellum bound first edition dated 1657, Magiae Universalis by Gaspare P. Schotto ...

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