Chapter 3
System Architectures of Satellite Communication, Radar, Navigation and Remote Sensing
3.1 Introduction
To fully appreciate the satellite antenna, one must have a basic understanding of the overall system of which it is a part. In this chapter the elements of satellite systems are described with an eye toward those that directly impact the satellite antenna functional or performance requirements. In the first sections of the chapter an overview is provided of the classes of satellite systems used for communication, radar, navigation and remote sensing. The key features of these systems that are related to the antenna are described and the primary performance parameters of the system that have an impact on the antenna requirements are identified. The next sections of the chapter provide the derivations of the equations that govern the performance of the satellite system as they relate to antenna requirements. The satellite link equation is introduced and the major components of the satellite are identified that correspond to these parameters. Additionally the effects of the atmosphere on the link are quantified. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the major subsystems of a satellite and an elementary discussion of the orbital considerations.
3.2 Elements of Satellite System Architecture
The key elements of a satellite system architecture are (1) the mission and its functional requirements, (2) the architecture of the ...