Chapter 4
Space Environment and Materials
4.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to describe the natural and induced space environments to which space antennas are exposed and to provide a discussion on materials and manufacturing processes suitable for space antennas, in view of the demanding performance and environmental requirements. Furthermore, the chapter provides some insight into the measures and verification methods necessary to mitigate the risks of the harsh space environment. Emphasis is put on the tests required for material screening, characterization and qualification for use in space hardware.
Within the families of metallic, polymeric, ceramic and composite materials, the ones that are currently more extensively used in space antennas are polymer composites. Hence, their properties, processing and characterization deserve dedicated attention. Because of length limitations and the wide scope of the subjects, it is not possible to provide a complete reference text on the entirety of the space environment and materials. Instead, an introductory overview of the related disciplines is provided, as well as some specific material data valid for preliminary selection and design.
4.2 The Space Environment of Antennas
Space antennas are always exterior spacecraft appendages and as such are subject to many environmental threats ...