ABC | Absorbing Boundary Conditions |
AFR | Array-Fed Reflector |
AIT | Assembly, Integration and Test |
AIT-AIV | Assembly, Integration and Test–Assembly, Integration and Validation |
AMSU-A/B | Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit version A/B |
BFN | Beam-Forming Network |
CALISTO | Cryogenic Aperture Large Infrared Space Telescope Observatory |
CEM | Computational Electromagnetics |
CFIE | Combined Fields Integral Equation |
CFRP | Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic |
CFRS | Carbon Fibre Reinforced Silicon |
CMB | Cosmic Microwave Background |
COBE | Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite |
CTE | Coefficient of Thermal Expansion |
CW | Continuous Wave |
DARS | Digital Audio Radio Service |
DB | Distribution Board |
DBF | Digital Beam Forming |
DGR | Dual-Gridded Reflector |
DK | Dielectric Constant |
DLGA | Descent Low Gain Antenna |
DMB | Digital Multimedia Broadcasting |
DMR | Differential Microwave Radiometer |
DOA | Direction Of Arrival |
DOS | Denial Of Service |
DRA | Direct Radiating Arrays |
DTH | Direct To Home |
DUHF | Descent Stage UHF |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcasting |
EBG | Electronic Band Gap |
EFIE | Electric Field Integral Equation |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service |
EGSE | Electrical Ground Support Equipment |
EHP | Equalisation Heat Pipes |
EIRP | Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power |
EM | Electro Magnetic |
EMC | Electro Magnetic Compatibility |
EOS | Earth Observing System |
ESD | Electro Static Discharge |
FAFR | Focal Array Fed Reflector |
FCS | Feeding Control System |
FDTD | Finite ... |