Chapter 8. Joins
Chapter 7 covered aggregating single datasets, which is helpful, but more often than not, your Spark applications are going to bring together a large number of different datasets. For this reason, joins are an essential part of nearly all Spark workloads. Spark’s ability to talk to different data means that you gain the ability to tap into a variety of data sources across your company. This chapter covers not just what joins exist in Spark and how to use them, but some of the basic internals so that you can think about how Spark actually goes about executing the join on the cluster. This basic knowledge can help you avoid running out of memory and tackle problems that you could not solve before.
Join Expressions
A join brings together two sets of data, the left and the right, by comparing the value of one or more keys of the left and right and evaluating the result of a join expression that determines whether Spark should bring together the left set of data with the right set of data. The most common join expression, an equi-join
, compares whether the specified keys in your left and right datasets are equal. If they are equal, Spark will combine the left and right datasets. The opposite is true for keys that do not match; Spark discards the rows that do not have matching keys. Spark also allows for much more sophsticated join policies in addition to equi-joins. We can even use complex types and perform something like checking whether a key exists within an array ...
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