Note that S* and Sεj are compact convex sets and the projection operator Πs* (x) is continuous in ℝn. The superimum in (6.71) can be attained for every polytope Sεj. Thus there exists a point in Sεj, denoted by xεj, such that

d(S*,Sεj)= xεjΠS*(xεj) 2.

Note that S*Sεj+1Sεj for any j ≥ 1. The sequence {d(S*,Sεj)}j≥1 is non-increasing and non-negative, and hence the limit limj→∞ d (S*, Sεj) exists. Passing through to a subsequence if necessary, we may assume that the sequence {xεj}j≥1 tends to Note that xεjSεj which indicates that ‖xεj1ρ* and hence ‖1ρ*. By Lemma 6.6.1, must satisfy that ϕ(MT(Ax̂y)) ≤ ε which, together with the fact ‖x1ρ*, implies that S*. Therefore, Πs* () = and hence


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