Using VBA to Add Text
You would think that something as simple as adding text to a document, spreadsheet cell, slide body, or an e-mail message should be fairly uniform, and that all the Office applications would behave in more or less the same way.
Not a chance.
Adding Text to a Word Document with VBA
In VBA/Word, the simplest way to add text to a document is with the TypeText method. For example, the small program in Listing 40.1 creates a new document, adds a return address and date, and then exits, allowing the typist to continue where the macro left off.
Listing 40.1. TypeReturnAddress
Public Sub TypeReturnAddress() Documents.Add Selection.TypeText "Ed & Woody's Widgets" Selection.TypeParagraph Selection.TypeText "123 Anyplace" Selection.TypeParagraph ... |
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