Abelian group, 32

Abstract automata, 308

Abstract harmonic analysis, 17

Abstract harmonic analysis on finite groups, 31

Accuracy of DFG, 299

Additive approximations, 249

Additive group, 87

Advanced Cryptography Standard, 211

Algebraic error, 371

Aliasing probability, 212

α-(Anti)-self-dual, 204

Amplitude spectrum, 373

(AN + B)-code, 415

Anti-self-dual, 203

Anti-self-duality group, 205

Approximated system, 245

Approximation of the system, 250

Arithmetic code distance, 415

Arithmetic distance, 415

Arithmetic error, 371

Arithmetic expressions, 61

Arithmetic transform, 61

Arithmetic-Haar transform, 515

Assignment, 309

Asynchronous CDMA, 539

(Anti-)self-duality point, 205

Autonomous automata, 342

Basic arithmetic transform matrix, 61

Basic Reed–Muller matrix, 20

Basic Walsh functions, 38

Basic Walsh matrix, 42

Bent functions, 211

Binary Decision Diagram, 13

Binary Decision Tree, 11

Bit-level expressions, 31

Bit-level transforms, xvi

Boolean functions, 2

Built-in self-testing, 430

Burst of the length b, 391

Cartesian product, 2

Character of a group, 87

Characteristic of a field, 99

Characteristic function, 206

Check complexity, 461

Check sum method, 431

Chip codes, 539

Circulant matrices, 42

Circulants, 143

Code Division Multiple Access, 537

Coefficient vector, 17

Combinational devices, 1

Combinational networks, 27

Compact groups, 99

Comparable functions, 214

Completely monotone, 214

Complex values, 66

Complex wavelet transform, 523

Complexity of logic functions, 222

Complexity ...

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