© Gabriele Kahlout 2017

Gabriele Kahlout, Spinning Up ServiceNow, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2571-4_5

5. Elegant Notifications

Why robotic email notifications are not how you want your customers to perceive you

Gabriele Kahlout

(1)Doha, Qatar

This chapter is about the email notifications sent from ServiceNow, which for many people at your organization and especially those in management positions is all they get to see of your ITSM and ServiceNow programs.

ServiceNow comes ready out of box (OOB) to receive and to send email notifications but even though the OOB notifications sent from ServiceNow are now better than they used to be in earlier versions they are still too terse and uninformative. At least the notifications sent to your end users should be branded ...

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