11Spiral Dynamics PLUS Supplementary Technologies


In this chapter, various technologies that are complementary to humanity's Master Code are presented. YELLOW and TURQUOISE codes are both “being” systems. Where the YELLOW code is a chaotic organism forged by differences and change, TURQUOISE is an elegant, balanced system of interlocking forces.

New codes are formed as new life conditions emerge. We cannot deny that the life conditions that confront humanity today are more challenging and dangerous than those of any previous moment in time. We are faced with mind-blowing choices, Beck explains, and in a 2002 interview with Jessica Roemischer of What is Enlightenment? magazine, he continues: “… everything from shaping natural habitats to gene splicing to using science in various ways to alter the human experience. I don't think any of us realize yet what that's going to mean. As a species, we never had this capacity before.” He further reasons that power in the form of nuclear weaponry developed in a more complex ORANGE code, which has the stabilizing influence of the previous BLUE code in it, is now under control of a RED code that has no BLUE influence, discipline and accountability, no sense of the potential for mutual destruction that emerged in ORANGE along with that particular technological development. RED has a short time frame and power, and that poses a real threat to global peace. The North Korean situation presents us with a risk like this.

It is one ...

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