String interpolation

Kotlin supports string interpolation, it is a little bit complex to do it in the Java language but it is not a problem for Kotlin. We do not require a lot of code to do this task as Kotlin supports it natively. It makes the code easier to read and understand. Let's create an example:

val bookName = "Spring 5.0"val phrase = "The name of the book is $bookName"

As we can see,  it is a piece of cake to interpolate strings in Kotlin. Goodbye String.format() with a lot of arguments. We can use $bookName to replace the bookName variable value. Also, we can access the functions present in objects, but for that, we need to put curly braces. Check the following code:

val springFiveOld = Book("Claudio E. de Oliveira","Spring 5.0 ...

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