© Marten Deinum 2018
Marten DeinumSpring Boot 2 Recipeshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3963-6_8

8. Java Enterprise Services

Marten Deinum1 
Meppel, Drenthe, The Netherlands

In this chapter, you will learn about Spring’s support for the most common Java enterprise services: Java Management Extensions (JMX), sending e-mail with JavaMail, background processing, and scheduling tasks.

JMX is part of JavaSE and is a technology for managing and monitoring system resources such as devices, applications, objects, and service-driven networks. These resources are represented as managed beans (MBeans). Spring supports JMX by exporting any Spring bean as model MBeans without programming against the JMX API. In addition, Spring can easily access remote MBeans. ...

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