© Felipe Gutierrez 2021
F. GutierrezSpring Cloud Data Flowhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-1239-4_1

1. Cloud and Big Data

Felipe Gutierrez1  
Albuquerque, NM, USA

The digital universe consists of an estimated 44 zettabytes of data. A zettabyte is 1 million petabytes, or 1 billion terabytes, or 1 trillion gigabytes. In 2019, Google processed approximately 3.7 million queries, YouTube recorded 4.5 million viewed videos, and Facebook registered 1 million logins every 60 seconds. Imagine the computer power to process all these requests, data ingestion, and data manipulation. Common sense tells us that the big IT companies use a lot of hardware to preserve data. A lot of storage needs to be incorporated to prevent limits of capacity.

How does an IT ...

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