Appendix D. Installing RDBMS Software

Please keep in mind that no matter which RDBMS you have chosen to install, it is for educational/evaluation purposes only. Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server can be installed in many different ways, but for the scope of this book we recommend that you follow the proposed instructions and naming conventions. That will simplify the creation and population of the ACME database (regardless of the RDBMS you have chosen) used in the examples and exercises given throughout this book.

All three major RDBMS vendors either have trial versions of their fully functional RDBMS systems, or free versions of the database software, such as Oracle Database XE, DB2 Express-C, and Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition (see vendor-specific license agreements and terms for details). If your system has sufficient memory, space, and CPU power, you can choose to try any product you like. Otherwise, we recommend that you install DB2 Express (or DB2 Express-C), which requires the least system resources.


To install any RDBMS in a production environment, you need the help of an experienced professional.

Installing Oracle 11g

Our general recommendation is that if you want to install Oracle 11g on your machine, don't rely on the minimum hardware requirements, but rather try to exceed what is recommended.

Installing Oracle 11g release 1 ( Enterprise Edition on Linux

Oracle installation on Linux requires solid knowledge of the operating system and root privileges. ...

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