
INSERT Statement


The INSERT statement adds rows of data to a table or view.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations



SQL Server

Supported, with variations

The INSERT statement allows rows to be written to a table through one of several methods:

  • The first method is to insert one or more rows using the DEFAULT values specified for a column via the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements.

  • The second and most common method is to declare the actual values to be inserted into each column of the record.

  • The third method, which populates a table with many records at a time, is to insert the result set of a SELECT statement.

SQL2003 Syntax

INSERT INTO [ONLY] {table_name | view_name} [(column1 [,...] )]
{DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES (value1 [,...]) | SELECT_statement }



Used on typed tables only, this optional keyword ensures that the values inserted into table_name do not insert into any subtables.

{table_name | view_name} [(column1 [,...] )]

Declares the updateable target table or view into which the records will be inserted. You must have INSERT privileges on the table or, at a minimum, on the columns that will receive the inserted values. If no schema information is included, as in scott.employee, then the current schema and user context are assumed. You may optionally include a list of the columns in the target table or view that will ...

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