select owner,table_name from all_tables;

You can enumerate some more information about your application tables to determine the number of columns and rows that are present in the tables as follows:

select a.table_name||‘[‘||count(∗)||’]=’||num_rows from user_tab_columns a,user_tables b where a.table_name=b.table_name group by a.table_name,num_rows





And you can enumerate the same information for all accessible/available tables, including their users, table names, and the number of rows in these tables as follows:

select b.owner||‘.’||a.table_name||‘[’||count(∗)||‘]=’||num_rows from all_tab_columns a, all_tables b where a.table_name=b.table_name group by b.owner,a.table_name,num_rows

Finally, ...

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