

AAD, 860, 880

Aardvark, 662

Aaron Swartz, 49

abreast, 605

absurd, 669

academic, 312, 616

accelerate, 658

Accelerated Database, 233, 234, 318, 634

acceleration, 68

accent, 224

Access, 51, 54, 60, 68, 69, 339, 341, 360, 637

Access Control, 123

AccessPurchaseOrder, 925

accesstosql, 890

Account Cloud, 496

Account Retry Attempts, 383

Account Retry Delay, 383

AccountsPersonID, 753, 754

accrued, 747

accumulate, 334, 407

ACID, 657

ACLs, 123, 239, 917

acronym, 125, 483, 514

Active Expensive, 37, 39, 700

actively, 37, 331, 481, 917

ActiveX, 389

Activity Monitor, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 391, 700, 701

Actual Execution, 697, 700, 703, 764

ActualQueryPlan, 718

Actual Rebinds, 700

ActualRows, 699

ActualRowsRead, 699

acute, 455

Add Connection, 417 ...

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