Chapter 15. SQL Server in Virtualized Environments

Virtualization is now so common that, more often than not, the SQL Server instances we troubleshoot and tune run in virtual environments—which can add complexity.

I will start this chapter by outlining a few considerations regarding database virtualization in general. Next, I will talk about best practices for configuring SQL Server in virtual machines (VMs). Finally, I will provide a few troubleshooting tips for virtual SQL Server instances.

This chapter is by no means a comprehensive guide to SQL Server virtualization. My goal is to provide you with enough knowledge to detect inefficiencies in your SQL Server setup and troubleshoot common performance issues in virtual environments.

I’d also like to give you enough context to speak the virtualization infrastructure team’s language. The best results are achieved when multiple teams work together, contributing to one another’s expertise. Work with the virtualization team when you need to configure and maintain virtual SQL Server instances and troubleshoot problems they may have.

To Virtualize or Not to Virtualize, That Is the Question

The question of whether to virtualize SQL Server environments has always led to debates. Fifteen years ago, I was a fierce opponent of virtualization, but I’ve changed my mind. Still, our opinions are irrelevant: virtualization provides multiple benefits, it is widely used, and database engineers deal with virtualized SQL Server instances on a regular ...

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