© Anthony E. Nocentino, Ben Weissman 2021
A. E. Nocentino, B. WeissmanSQL Server on Kuberneteshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7192-6_5

5. Interacting with Your Kubernetes Cluster

Anthony E. Nocentino1   and Ben Weissman2
Oxford, MS, USA
Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany

With a functioning cluster up and running, we will now learn the core way to interact with our cluster, kubectl. Kubectl is the command line client used to deploy and maintain applications in Kubernetes as well as to administrate the cluster itself. With kubectl preliminaries behind us, we will learn how to deploy and access applications in our cluster.

To make sure that your cluster can be reached from the administrative workstation, copy the kubectl configuration to it using the ...

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