

account balance, measurement/context of, 6

accumulating snapshot fact tables

defined, 259

as derived schemas, 329

focus on key status milestones, 283–284

further reading, 288

multi-source process information in, 284–285

nonlinear processes, 285–286

pairing transaction, 282–283

slow changes, 286–287

for study of elapsed time between events, 274–275

summary review, 287–288

tracking process with, 278–281

tracking process with transaction fact tables, 275–278

working with, 281–282

accuracy, in dimensional design, 16

ACID properties, 4, 159


conditions vs., 301–304

dimensional design, 434–435

factless fact tables modeling. See factless fact tables for events

transaction fact tables tracking, 259–261

additive facts. See also nonadditive ...

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