Chapter 20

Ten People to Talk to Before You Start


Bullet Identifying all the key people who can help you get started

Bullet Leveraging your network of contacts to maximum advantage

Bullet Taking advantage of free advice

Bullet Getting the lowdown on what people really think are your strengths and weaknesses

Starting up a business can be a lonely endeavour, but you don’t have to do it all on your own. Hundreds of people, some just a few feet away, can give you useful insights into your skills and attributes, and they may even have a useful perspective on the viability of your business idea.

Speaking with Your Spouse or Life Partner

Even if you don’t plan to go into business with your spouse and she doesn’t know a great deal about your great business idea, you can be sure that she knows a lot about you. Your spouse can remind you of your weaknesses and help you play to your strengths. She also needs to be prepared for the long hours and lack of holidays that are sure to feature in the early months and years as you get your business established. Your venture may mean that you need to re-divide ...

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