Chapter 6
Social Marketing: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
Developing a Facebook marketing strategy
Using Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest
Marketing with digital channels today is somewhat like trying to hit a moving target as the tools, tactics, and trends change more quickly than most can imagine. And because nearly all marketing today is connected to a digital channel, platform, analytics tool, or device, the term digital marketing is somewhat of an oxymoron.
No matter what business you’re in, the role you play, or the size and scope of your market, you need to understand and stay on top of digital marketing tools to succeed on any level.
Although digital technology introduces exciting opportunities to open new markets and engage with customers like never before, it also comes with the following challenges:
- Digital tools are constantly changing. As soon as marketers master one, another comes up.
- Because of the ability that digital technology offers for highly personalized communications, customers have grown to expect it, making traditional marketing methods less effective and putting more pressure on marketers to keep up with rapidly changing technological developments that enhance customers’ overall experience.
- Being able ...
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