Chapter 2

Basic Training: Etsy Account Basics


Bullet Registering for a basic Etsy account

Bullet Signing in to your Etsy account

Bullet Navigating the Etsy Marketplace home page Managing your Etsy account

Bullet Populating your public profile

Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism, once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” (He also said, “Silence is a source of great strength” and “The sage does not hoard”; we’re still digesting those.) On Etsy, that one first step is becoming a registered user by signing up with the site. After that, you’re ready to embark on your own Etsy journey! This chapter gives you all the info you need to register with Etsy. It also introduces you to the Etsy Marketplace home page, shows you how to access your account settings and manage your account, and reveals how to populate your public profile. First, though, it conveys the importance of reading and understanding Etsy’s policies.

Avoiding Trouble: Reviewing Etsy’s House Rules and Terms of Use

When it comes to its rules and policies, Etsy doesn’t play around. Violating any of Etsy’s policies is grounds ...

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