Chapter 15

You’ve Been Served: Providing Exceptional Customer Service


Bullet Using Etsy’s internal messaging system

Bullet Communicating with customers

Bullet Handling a bungled transaction

Running your own Etsy shop is a little like being the Wizard of Oz: You preside over your own Emerald City from behind a curtain of sorts, working the wheels and levers of your online craft business while hidden from view. But if you truly want to be a great and powerful Etsy seller, you must pull back the curtain and interact with your Ozmites — er, customers. It’s not enough to craft or curate gorgeous items and list them in your shop; you must also provide excellent customer service — before, during, and after each sale. That’s what this chapter is about.

Sliding into your DMs: Accessing Etsy Messages

Etsy provides its own internal messaging system, Etsy Messages, so that members can communicate with each other safely and securely. When you receive a new message, Etsy notifies you by displaying an orange circle over the Shop Manager and the Your Account links in the header bar of every Etsy Marketplace page. (Look ahead to Figure 15-1.)

Accessing, reading, and replying to messages

To access ...

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