Convincing Your Board of Directors

After you're committed to using an online strategy to grow your donor base, the next step is convincing the rest of your organization that it's the right thing to do.

Persuading your board that e-philanthropy is a timely solution is easier than you think. You might just have to spend a little more time moving progressive ideas through the approval process. Consider the usual reasons that board members tend to reject or stall a new idea:

  • They're fearful of the unknown — especially where technology is concerned.
  • They're convinced that the costs outweigh the benefits.
  • They've decided that someone else has a more compelling argument against it.

If you understand these three points, you can arm yourself with the power of persuasion. People engage in many spirited debates over the proposal of innovative concepts, yet plenty of fantastic ideas are eventually rolled into action because someone embraced a plan of persuasion and stuck with it.

Not every board fights the incorporation of an extensive Internet strategy. Heck, people might even line up to take turns making this idea a reality. You may be one of the lucky ones with a board member who knows that

  • Donating online is more widely accepted by donors
  • Security measures have made e-giving a safer way to donate
  • Average per donor contributions could rise

However, if your board tends to closely scrutinize a plan before rubber-stamping it, you might find the information in this section especially helpful. ...

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