Chapter 4

Disciplining and Dismissing Staff


Bullet Implementing a disciplinary procedure

Bullet Dismissing employees the correct way

Bullet Avoiding wrongful or constructive dismissal

Bullet Tidying up loose ends

Bullet Understanding what happens if you get dismissals wrong

Sacking people isn’t a nice job, but sometimes you’re left with no other choice. If the job an employee has been doing no longer needs to be done and you have no other job that’s suitable, you can make that member of staff redundant – but if you want to dismiss an employee for another reason and their job still exists, you have to be sure of your standing and tread very carefully through the legal minefield of dismissal.

An employer who dismisses someone and gets the disciplinary and grievance procedures wrong can have a case brought against them at an employment tribunal. They’ll be found to have unfairly dismissed the employee, and as a result they can be ordered to pay greatly increased compensation. Don’t think you can ignore ...

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