Appendix A. Introduction to ODS Graphics
A.1 ODS Destinations 188
A.2 Accessing Individual Graphs 188
A.3 Specifying the Size and Resolution of Graphs 189
A.4 PLOTS= Option 189
A.5 Viewing Your Graphs in the SAS Windowing Environment 191
A.6 Determining Graph Names and Labels 191
A.7 The Default Template Stores and the ODS PATH 191
A.8 Modifying Your Graphs 193
A.9 Data Objects 194
A.10 Recommended Reading 194
You invoke ODS Graphics by specifying the following statement:
ods graphics on;
ODS Graphics remains in effect for all procedure steps until you turn it off with the following statement:
ods graphics off;
Once you have invoked ODS Graphics, creating graphical output with procedures is as simple as creating tabular output. You can control your ...
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