Subject Index

Acceptable quality level (AQL), 118119, 121

Acceptance sampling, 117119

consumer's risk, 118

producer's risk, 118

Activity Network Diagram, 30

Affinity diagram, 28, 29

AlliedSignal. 526527, 624

Operational Excellence program, 624

American Society for Quality, 3, 6, 9

ASQ Annual Quality Transactions, 6

American Statistical Association, 6

American Supplier Institute, 513

Analysis of means, 587

detecting a one-cell interaction, 609

for count data, 594595

assumptions, 594

for factorial designs, 596610

assumptions, 590, 594

for measurement data, 588591

versus ANOVA, 588

for nonnormal distributions, 590

for proportions, 591595

nonparametric, 610611

using standards, 594596

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

multiple comparison procedures, 451452, 609

one factor, two levels, 445447

relationship to exact t-test, 446

one factor, more than two levels, 447451

sample size determination, 452453

testing equality of variances, 450

two factors, 460469

Analytic studies, 81

Anderson–Darling statistic, 77, 210

Annual Quality Congress, 6

Applied Statistics, 6

Attribute data, 181

Autoregressive processes, 137139, 161, 164165


of sample, 37, 39

trimmed, 3738

Average production length (APL), 129

Average run length (ARL), 127129, 146, 160

calculations, 146

weakness of, 128129

with estimated parameters, 127128

Bell Labs, 9, 25

Bernoulli trials, 43

Bonferroni intervals, 80

Boxplot, 392396

H-spread, 394

hinges, 393

inner fences, 395

outer fences, 395

skeletal, 392

Calibration ...

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