... Estimated MPG
2 38.2 − 4.23 × 2 = 29.74 0.39 + 1.12 × 2 = 2.63 100/2.63 ≈ 38.0
3 38.2 − 4.23 × 3 = 25.51 0.39 + 1.12 × 3 = 3.75 100/3.75 ≈ 26.7
4 38.2 − 4.23 × 4 = 21.28 0.39 + 1.12 × 4 = 4.87 100/4.87 ≈ 20.5
5 38.2 − 4.23 × 5 = 17.05 0.39 + 1.12 × 5 = 5.99 100/5.99 ≈ 16.7
6 38.2 − 4.23 × 6 = 12.82 0.39 + 1.12 × 6 = 7.11 100/7.11 ≈ 14.1

The scatterplot in Figure 20.9 shows the linear fit of MPG on weight (orange) together with the curve produced by the reciprocal equation (green).

A scatterplot shows the linear fit and the reciprocal curve of the data.

Figure 20.9 Comparing predictions from two models.

The curve produced by transforming MPG using the reciprocal captures the bend that we saw in the ...

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