
Mix and Match

Match each definition on the left with its mathematical expression on the right. Refer to the following regression equation in this exercise:


where Y is the annual salary of an employee (in thousands of dollars) and X denotes the years of experience. D is coded as 1 for college graduates and is coded as 0 for those graduating high school but not college.

1. Intercept for high school graduate (a) β1
2. Intercept for college graduate (b) β3
3. Has units $thousand/year, high school graduate (c) β0 + β2
4. Has units $thousand/year, college graduate (d) β0 + β110
5. Difference in slopes (e) X × D
6. Difference in intercepts (f) ∊
7. Interaction (g) β1 + β3
8. Equal variances (h) β0 +

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