
Mix and Match

Match each definition on the left with its mathematical expression on the right.

1. Change in the value of the response (a) Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13, Y14
2. Value of the response in the previous time period (b) b0 + b1 t
3. Values averaged in a five-term moving average (c) β0 + β1 Yt − 1 + β2 Yt − 2 + β3 Yt − 3
4. Exponentially weighted moving average (d) YtYt − 1
5. Equation of a model that fits a linear trend (e) β0 + β1 Yt − 1
6. Equation of a fourth-degree polynomial model (f) 2(1 − corr(et, et − 1))
7. Equation of a first-order autoregression (g) w St − 1 + (1 − w) Yt
8. Equation of an AR(3) model (h) corr(et, et − 1)
9. Alternative equation for the Durbin-Watson statistic (i) Yt − 1
10. Autocorrelation ...

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