Non-Diffraction Computed Tomography
4.1 Introduction
In X-ray CT imaging, the measurements are photons, which demonstrate
wave-particle duality, that is, the properties of both waves and particle s. X-
rays have wavelengths roughly 10
m to 10
m, or frequencies of 10
to 10
Hz. In MR imaging, the measurements are free induction decay (FID)
signals, which are radio frequency (RF) signals with the wavelengths roughly
m to 10
m, or the frequencies 10
Hz to 10
Hz. X-ray and FID signal are
electromagne tic in nature. In this chapter, imaging sources in several medical
imaging techniques are characteriz ed a s electromagnetic (EM) waves.
When EM waves impinge on an object, or an object is immersed in the
EM field, several physical pheno mena occur on the object: its surface, inside,
and surrounding. These phenomena include, but are not limited to, absorp-
tion, diffra ction, non-diffrac tion, reflection, refraction, scattering, etc. Many
of these phenomena can be utilized for imaging the object: its shape or surface
or the internal structure.
In medical a pplications, these imaging techniques are X- ray CT [2, 2–
4, 7–9, 18, 37, 53], MRI [12–16, 25, 25, 54–56], positron emission tomog-
raphy (PET) [21–24, 37, 53], single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) [22, 24, 25, 37, 53], ultra sonic (US) [26–29, 37, 53], etc. Although
these techniques were developed based on different physica l phenomena and
principles, a ccording to the nature o f source-medium interaction, they can
be classified into a category o f imaging, transmission computed tomography.
Transmission CT can be further divided into two groups: (1) a non-diffraction
CT imaging, in which the interaction model and the external measurements
are characterized by the straight line integrals of some index es of the medium
and the image reconstruction is based on Fourier Slice theorem [37, 53], and
(2) a diffraction CT imaging, in which the interaction and meas urements are
modeled with the wave equatio n and the tomog raphic reconstruction approach
is based on the Fourier diffra ction theorem [30, 37]. The former inc ludes X-ray
CT, MRI, emission CT, ultrasonic CT (e.g., refractive index CT and attenu-
Its counterpart is called the reflection computed tomography, which is outside the scope
of this book.
108 Statistics of Medical Imaging
incident wave
Physical phenomena caused by interaction between EM wave and an object.
ation CT), etc. The latter includes acoustic, c ertain seismic, microwave, and
optical imaging, etc.
In this chapter, we first use the inverse scattering problem as an example
to demonstrate how the interactions between the incident EM wave and the
object can be used to generate the image of the object. Then we revisit X-ray
CT and MRI and briefly review emission CT fr om a specific standpoint, a nd
show that they belong to a category of imaging—the non-diffraction computed
tomography. This insight may explain why X-r ay CT and MRI have very
similar statistical properties that are described in the remaining chapters of
this book.
4.2 Interaction between EM Wave and Object
When EM waves impinge on an o bject, due to the interaction between the
wave and the object, the following physical phenomena occur at the o bject,
which are shown in Figure 4.1. All these physical phenomena can be used for
imaging the shape of the object, its external surfa ce, and internal s tructure,
and have practical a pplications:
1. Absorption
2. Diffraction
Non-Diffraction Computed Tomography 109
3. Non-diffraction
4. Reflection
5. Refraction
6. Scattering
For the given E M wave and the fixed points on the s urface of the o bject, the
diffracted, reflected, and refracted waves are in specified directions, while the
scattered waves a re in all directions. Thus, when the detectors (or r eceivers)
are randomly placed around the object, the diffracted, reflected and refracted
waves are received with probability zero , and the scattered waves are received
with probability one. The invers e scattering pro ble m in the imaging ar ises
from scattered EM waves.
4.3 Inverse Scattering Problem
4.3.1 Relationship between Incident and Scattered Waves
The inverse scattering problem may be the simplest imaging principle. We
use it as an example. In Figure 4.2, S and V denote the surface and volume
of the object,
I is the unit vector in the direction of the incident wave, ~r is
the vector from the origin of the coordinate system to a point on the surface
) wavefront
Incident and scattered waves.

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