Performance Evaluation of Image Analysis Methods 381
TABLE 12.4
Approximated Probabilities of Over- and Under-Detection o f the
Number of Image Regions for Images in Figure s 12.1a–l.
µ σ P
µ σ P
a 205 18.4 473 Φ(14.5) 906 5.57 1752 Φ (152)
b 94 5.49 251 Φ(28.6) 34 4 2.49 627 Φ(114)
c 68 3.26 198 Φ(3 9.9) 216 1.75 371 Φ(88.6 )
d 53 1.90 168 Φ(6 0.5) 133 1.21 203 Φ(57.9)
e 48 1.35 159 Φ(82.2) 101 0.94 139 Φ(40.4)
f 50 1.02 163 Φ (111.) 83. 0.78 104 Φ(26.9)
g 50 0.82 163 Φ(138.) 71. 0.68 80. Φ(13.2)
h 48 0.69 159 Φ(161.) 61. 0.61 61. Φ(+0.00)
i 46 0.60 155 Φ(182.) 53. 0.55 44. Φ(+16.4)
j 43 0.54 148 Φ(194.) 45. 0.51 28. Φ(+33.3)
k 37 0.48 137 Φ(208.) 37. 0.49 13. Φ(+49.0)
l 32 0.45 126 Φ(209.) 30. 0.46 3.0 Φ(+71.7)
a b c
d e f
X-ray CT image of a physical phantom (a) and its five co mponents (b f).
2) Results from a real image
Figure 12.4a shows a real X-r ay CT phantom image that is shown in Section
10.5.1. For convenience of description, some c ontents of Section 10.5.1 are
used in this section. This physical phantom consists of six cylinders (made of
four types of materials: Poly, 0 13A, Teflon, and Bone) with nearly the same
diameters. These cylinders are mounted on a base in such a way that their axes
are parallel to each other and equia ngularly located on a circle. The resolution
of the X-ray CT scanner that was used to gene rate this image is 1.5×1.5×5.0
. While imaging, the axes o f the cylinders are set paralle l to the moving
direction of the scanner bed. Thus, the image shown in Figure 12.4.a includes

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