Plotting Multiple Sets of Variables

Creating Multiple Plots on Separate Pages

You can compare trends for different sets of measures by creating multiple plots. To request more than one plot from the same SAS data set, simply specify additional sets of variables in the PLOT statement. The form of the statement is
PLOT vertical-1*horizontal-1 vertical-2*horizontal-2;
All the options that you list in a PLOT statement apply to all of the plots that the statement produces.
The following program uses the PLOT statement to produce separate plots of the highest and lowest values of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 1968 to 2008:
proc plot data=highlow;
   plot LogDowHigh*Year='+' LogDowLow*Year='o' / haxis=1968 to 2008 by 4 box; label LogDowHigh='Log ...

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