Input Data Libraries for Examples

The examples in this section use five SAS libraries that contain sample data sets that are used to collect and store weather statistics for the United States and other countries. The libraries have the librefs PRECIP, USCLIM, CLIMATE, WEATHER, and STORM. The following LIBNAME statements assign the librefs:
libname precip 'SAS-library-1';
libname usclim 'SAS-library-2';
libname climate 'SAS-library-3';
libname weather 'SAS-library-4';
libname storm 'SAS-library-5';
Note: For each LIBNAME statement, SAS-library is a different physical name for the location of the SAS library. In order to copy all or some SAS data sets from one library to another, the input and output libraries must be in different physical locations. ...

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