opening 761
scrolling 775
SAS/ASSIST software 12
SASCOLOR command
customizing windows 764
opening SASColor window 808
SASCOLOR statement 807
SASColor window
description 808
opening 808
SAT_SCORES data set 366, 815
SAVE statement 736
SCAN function
description 143
saving storage space 139
scanning for character strings 137
scrolling windows 775
BACKWARD command 763, 775
BOTTOM command 763, 775
CURSOR command 764
FORWARD command 763, 776
HSCROLL command 763
LEFT command 763, 776
MAX command 764
RIGHT command 763, 776
TOP command 763, 775
VSCROLL command 763
search and replace 776
SELECT statement
copying SAS data sets 731
description 736
moving SAS data sets 733
SELECT_ALL command 792
selecting observations
See observations, subsetting
semantic errors 402
semicolon (;)
end-of-data indicator 44
in statements 6
SET command
DATA step debugger 834
SET statement 212
combining observations 358
concatenating SAS data sets 258
creating SAS data sets 44
description 212, 258, 361
determining last observation 203, 359
determining source of observations 353
interleaving SAS data sets 285
keeping selected variables 96
versus APPEND procedure 278
versus DATA statement 101
shift left command 767
shift right command 767
SHORT option
CONTENTS statement 710
formatting contents listings 708
See file shortcuts
SKIP option
blank lines, inserting 522
BREAK statement 524
RBREAK statement 526
SKIP statement
description 388
skipping input variables 59, 80
slash (/), column-pointer control
description 69, 87
forcing pointer to next line 79
slash (/), splitting column headers 516
description 792
setting icon size 804
SORT procedure 197
BY statement 682
description 197, 471
grouping observations 186
sorting detail reports 441
sorting observations 192
sorting date values 237
sorting observations
See observations, sorting
sorting sequences
See collating sequences
SOURCE option
description 388
suppressing SAS statements 382
SOURCE window
DATA step debugger 835
SPACING= option
column spacing 514
DEFINE statement 526
PROC REPORT statement 523
special characters, reading
See informats
SPLIT= option
multi-line column labels 461
PROC PRINT statement 470
PROC REPORT statement 524
square brackets, in STYLE= option 493
statements 5
case sensitivity 6
executing automatically at startup 796
line continuation 6
rules for writing 5
semicolon (;) in 6
suppressing logging of 382, 384
statements, submitting
See SAS programs, running
STEP command
DATA step debugger 834
STOPOVER option 88
886 Index

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