GetAttributes – Image
ImageList – Kind
HorizontalAlignment, 455
Margin, 454
PictureBox, 122
Properties window, 459
VerticalAlignment, 455
WPF, 453
ImageList, 478
Images, MouseDown, 453
Immediate window
capitalization, 157
debugging, 156–157
Import and Export Settings, 5
IN, field to value comparison, 406
Indent, Debug, 261
index, Format, 177
indexes, 472
arrays, 195–196
, 200
string, 175
IndexOfAny, string, 175
classes, 283–284
generic constraints, 333
constructors, 294
multiple, interfaces, 319–320
InitialDirectory, OpenFileDialog, 95
initialization, for loops, 229230
initialization, objects, 289–300
parameterless constructors, 296
InitializeComponent, 389
input assertions, 259–261
Insert, string, 175
InsertOnSubmit, 428
installation, 4
instances, forms, 104–105
Load, 111
new, 105
variables, 105
int[], 196
int, data type, 129
integrated development environment (IDE), 472
configuration, 5
executables, 9
.sln, 7
Visual Studio, 3–18
IntelliSense, 4
DialogResult, 93
LoadFile, 8384
overriding methods, 302
interfaces, 319–329, 472
API, 450, 469
autorun, 484
code generalization, 320–321
defining, 324
event handlers, 451
GDI, 472
generic constraints, 333
implementation, 321–323
LINQ, 328
localization, 388–390
multiple inheritance, 319–320
names, 320
placeholders, 323
internal, field accessibility value, 167
InterpolationMode, Graphics, 441
Interval, Timer, 52
DateTime, 189
IsLeapYear, DateTime, 189
IsPrime, 413
IsReadOnly, FileInfo, 354
IsReady, DriveInfo, 350
Items, 25
items, foreach loops, 231
Items.Add, ListBox, 119
Items.Remove, ListBox, 119
Join, string, 176–177
KB. See kilobyte
KeyDown, 51
KeyPress, 51
KeyPreview, 374
KeyUp, 51
kilobyte (KB), 128, 473
Kind, DateTime, 189
controls, 454
Image, 454
GroupBox, 38, 478
Anchor, 3940
H, custom date/time format, 183
h, custom date/time format, 183
HatchBrush, 443445
, 459
WPF, 453
Hello, “” (double quotes), 27
HelpProvider, 478
HH, custom date/time format, 183
hh, custom date/time format, 183
Hide, Visual Studio IDE Properties window, 12
Horizontal Spacing, Format menu, 29
HorizontalAlignment, Image, 455, 459
Hour, DateTime, 189
Hours, DateTime, 190
HScrollBar, 49, 478
IComparable, 321
IDE. See integrated development environment
, 293
StreamWriter, 344
IDrawable, 324
IEnumerable, 415
cascading decision statements, 221–222
decision statements, 220
nested decision statements, 222–223
if-else, decision statements, 220–221
IList<>, 320321
IList, ToArray, 415
Image, 25
BitmapEffect, 456
Grid, 454
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