Paint – projecting data
projecting LINQ query – ReadOnlyChecked
rojecting LINQ query, 416, 474
archives, 10
compression, 10
copy, 9–10
new, 5–9
rojects folder, 7
romotion, data types, 137
// (double slashes), 26
; (semi-colon), 26
accessors, 273–275
breakpoints, 274
null, 275
Anchor, 39
animation, 450
arrays, 199–200
auto-implemented, 272
backing fields, 272–274
classes, 271–274
ColorDialog, 94
controls, 20, 22–27
DateTime, 188–190
design time, 29–30
dialogs, 93–96, 116
Dock, 4041
FolderBrowserDialog, 94
FontDialog, 9495
modifying, 2627
OpenFileDialog, 95
PrintDialog, 96
PrintPreviewDialog, 96
remote forms, 108
RichTextBox, 7981
SaveFileDialog, 96
TimeSpan, 190–191
ToolStripMenuItem, 58
values, 157
Visual Studio IDE, 11
roperties window
Anchor, 39
ContextMenuStrip, 60
controls, 22–23
design time, 50
Paint, 52
Graphics, 306
memory, 440
Panel, 49, 479
parameterized constructors, 291–292
parameterless constructors,
290–291, 474
generic constraints, 333
object initialization, 296
event handlers, 4849, 278
generic classes, 332
methods, 245–246, 276
out, 246
ref, 246
references, 245–246
return, 246
values, 249
parameters, methods, 243
parent class, 283
Parent, DirectoryInfo, 352
parse, 147, 391, 474
currency, 136
data type values, 135–136
DateTime, 189
localization, 391
Pascal casing, 20, 23, 474
passwords, 237
Paste, RichTextBox, 82
Path, 355
Path.Combine, 373
PathGradientBrush, 443445
, 204
Stack, 204
Pen, GDI+, 442443
PerformanceCounter, 479
PictureBox, 445, 479
Anchor, 3940
Image, 122
Panel, 49
pinning, windows, 12
pixels, 22, 25, 26, 440, 474
event handlers, 48
interfaces, 323
Visual Studio, 323
Point, 26
polymorphism, 474
classes, 270, 284
Pop, Stack, 204
precedence, operators, 143–145
precision specifier, 179, 474
Primary Key, LINQ to SQL Source, 432
PrintDialog, 89, 479
properties, 96
WPF, 461–466
PrintDocument, 359–360, 479
PrintPreviewDialog, 364365
WPF, 466
printing, 359–368
WPF, 461–468
Printing tab, Toolbox, 91
PrintPage, PrintDocument, 360
PrintPreviewControl, 479
PrintPreviewDialog, 89, 479
PrintDialog, 96
PrintDocument, 364365
properties, 96
, 462
WPF, 461–466
PrintWindowCentered, 464
accessibility, 324
delegate, 277
field accessibility value, 167
interfaces, 324
methods, 244
private variables, 109
Process, 480
programming language, 3, 343, 474
ProgressBar, 480
StatusStrip, 70
ToolStrip, 68
Project menu, Add Windows Form, 103–104
projecting data, 416
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