Chapter 10

Understanding Technical Analysis for Stock Investors


check Defining technical analysis

check Talking about trends

check Checking out charts

check Using the Relative Strength Index

In my early days as a stock investor, I rarely used technical analysis, but as time passed (and experience piled up), I came to see it as a useful part of my overall investing approach. Yes, technical analysis is … well … technical, but it can help you time your decision about when you want to buy, sell, or hold a particular stock. In short, fundamental analysis (what the rest of this book discusses) tells you what to buy, and technical analysis tells you when to buy.

I won’t make this chapter an exhaustive treatment of this topic (I bet you just said “Whew!”), but I do want to alert you to techniques and resources that will give you a leg up in today’s volatile and uncertain markets.

Tip I’d like to mention some resources right out of the starting gate. Use the following resources to discover more information ...

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