Abbreviations and acronyms
Some abbreviations provided here are well known in United States - USA where the book was written, but then US constitutes 4.25% of world population at this time.
Powers of ten used in our discussions are as follows:
kilobyte - KB (3), megabyte - MB (6), gigabyte - GB (9), TB - terabyte (12), petabyte - PB (15), exabyte - EB (18), zettabyte - ZB (21), yottabyte - YB (24), and brontobytes - BB (10), googol (100), googolplex (googol).
2DFT 2-Disk-Failure-Tolerant.
2PC 2-Phase Commit.
2PL 2-Phase Locking.
8b/10b Encoding for DC balance.
AC/DC Alternating/Direct Current.
ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard.
AFD Advanced ...
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