Chapter 14
Collaborative Team Presentations
Prepping and rehearsing as a team
Selecting the best setup
Understanding the role of peer feedback
A team is a small number of people with complimentary skills committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves responsible.
If you’ve ever listened to a handbell choir, you’d agree they exemplify collaborative teamwork. A choir can range from a quartet to 50-plus ringers, each playing different handbells. Each person uses their skills and unique talents to blend as a single instrument to create a cohesive piece of music. Ultimately each ringer is responsible for playing their part correctly and on time. There will be practice sessions, and the oversight rests with the music director.
Putting together a team presentation takes the same type of collaborative teamwork. A team can range in size from two to many, with each person having a different responsibility. Each person uses their skills and unique talents to blend as a single unit to create a cohesive presentation. Ultimately, each person is responsible for participating fully and being ...
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