Chapter 16
Adding a Splash of Humor
Giving the audience a giggle
Practicing your punch lines
Sneaking in some humor on a slide
Handling the silence if your comedy falls flat
A sense of humor cushions the potholes in the road of life.
Why do you think classic sitcoms are still streaming and in worldwide demand? It’s because their short, humorous episodic plots are relatable. They showcase creative and amusing solutions to problems that mirror everyday life. They have people we identify with, and it's comforting to “see ourselves” on the screen. It makes us feel like our lives are more exciting. Through humor there are lessons to be learned because laughter is the best medicine.
Also think of comic strips. They’ve remained widespread ever since “The Yellow Kid” appeared in the Hearst New York American in 1896. The genre continued to grow because people of all ages have an insatiable appetite for humor. In both sitcoms and comics, there’s enjoyment for everyone. Humor is a no-cost, easy way to soothe ourselves and fill the potholes ...
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