Chapter 24

Ten Tips for Telling a Relatable Story


Bullet Engaging your audience

Bullet Taking readers on a journey and ending with a call to action story

If the Martians you read about in Chapter 1 wanted to know the origin of a sandwich, you’d want your answer to be memorable. Would you (A) prepare a slide or (B) tell a story? Yes, this is a rhetorical question. You could prepare a slide such as you see in Figure 24-1, which would be mind-numbingly boring.

Screenshot of telling a
relatable story.

FIGURE 24-1: Why not tell a story instead of showing a boring slide?

Or you could tell this story of the Earl of Sandwich. In brief, history records that the sandwich was created in 1762 in England by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of sandwich. Montagu was known for being a problematic gambler, spending hours upon hours at the card table, and needing to eat. Learn the fun details, by checking out the following website:

This chapter provides ten tips to help you tell your own relatable stories.

Keep a “Resource” File

David Sedaris is a successful comedian and author known for his quick wit and crackling prose. He collects roadside garbage on a regular basis and tells ...

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