- Acceptance by audience of designs
- Accessibility
- “accessible data viz is better data viz” (Cesal), 229
- Accounts over time exercise, 365
- Action for audience to take
- Adverse effects exercise, 362
- Aesthetics, and design, 191, 193, 220
- Affordances, and design, 191, 192, 220
- Alignment of elements. See also Centering; Justification
- axis titles and, 121, 131, 198, 199, 202
- detail in graphs and, 208, 228
- effectiveness of graphs using, 112
- eliminating clutter and, 120–122, 140, 286
- horizontal elements and, 108
- justification of text and, 121, 131
- logos and, 216
- market size over time graph and, 112
- physician prescription patterns graph for, 120–122
- practice on your own and, 140
- practice with Cole and, 120–122
- text boxes and, 121, 216
- text in titles and, 198
- visual order and, 108
- All caps
- Alt text, 229–230
- Analysis
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