RESOURCE AA Guide to Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Techniques

This resource focuses on how and why leaders, managers, and planners might go about using stakeholder identification and analysis techniques in order to help their organizations meet their mandates, fulfill their missions, and create public value. A range of stakeholder identification and analysis techniques is reviewed. The techniques cover the functions presented in Figure 2.3: organizing effective participation; creating meritorious ideas for mission, goals, strategies, actions, and other strategic interventions; building a winning coalition around proposal development, review, and adoption; implementing, monitoring, and evaluating strategic interventions; and building capacity for ongoing implementation, learning, and change. Wise use of stakeholder analyses can help frame issues that are solvable in ways that are technically and administratively feasible and politically acceptable, legally and morally defensible, and that create public value and advance the common good.

Figure A.1 shows how the stakeholder identification and analysis techniques fit with the simplified public and nonprofit sector strategic management theory summarized in Figure 2.3. Note, however, that there is an elaboration of one function in Figure 2.3—namely, that creating ideas for strategic interventions consists of the two connected subfunctions of formulating problems (identifying issues) and searching for solutions (developing ...

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