Space limitations prevent me from thanking again by name all those dozens of people who contributed to the previous four editions of this book. They should all know that I remain deeply grateful to them. Without their insights, thoughtfulness, advice, and other forms of help, neither those editions nor this one would have been written. I carry their wisdom with me every day. I must also express deep gratitude to the many readers who gave me valuable feedback on the previous editions of this book.

There is space, however, for me to thank at least some of the people who contributed their insights, advice, and support to the fifth edition. Deep thanks and appreciation must go to Colin Eden at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, and Fran Ackermann at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, who have been valued colleagues and coauthors in the field of public and nonprofit strategic management for over 30 years. Both are coauthors of Visual Strategy, a new companion workbook that shows how to do strategy mapping, an important strategic planning technique.

I would also like to offer special thanks to Michael Barzelay at the London School of Economics and Political Science, who has helped me gain a far richer understanding of what I was up to and how best to do it than I ever would have achieved otherwise. And I would like to offer special thanks to Michael Quinn Patton, a path-breaking evaluation theorist and practitioner who helped ...

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