Applying These Ideas In Your World
Man with open mouth must wait long time for roast duck to fly in.
—Chinese proverb
Exploring a Dozen Dynamic Directions
You’ve now seen how Strategic Project Management equips you to evolve your project from messy beginnings to a polished plan. Now, what will you do with what you have learned? The potential applications are virtually limitless. Ken Howell, a Sony Electronics champion of this method says, “Show me something that this doesn’t apply to.”
Begin with the issues currently on your plate. Scan your internal environment; look for “hot-button” topics and start there. Be opportunistic and apply it bountifully.
If you read this book with a specific current or upcoming project in mind, you may be eager to get started. Do it! Get your team together. Follow the Application Steps at the ends of Chapters 5 through 8 and you’ll end up with an insightful plan.
Because the underlying systems thinking concepts are so flexible, the LogFrame Approach can guide you in many different directions. The Appendix includes brief client case studies accompanied by project LogFrames for the first seven of these one dozen high-payoff, dynamic applications that my clients have put to work. More possibilities may come to mind as you read these.
1. Develop or Update the Strategic Plan. This thinking method supports a broader strategic planning process that is critical to any organization. Regardless of the context in which you operate, at least on an annual ...