

access, 16

ACCESS customer service center, 20–21

accountability, 90–91

accountability plans, 77

accrediting expertise, 150

advocacy, 85

ambiguous wicked problems, 7–8

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

common risks, 53–55

gap analysis, 52–53

goals, 49

managing internal controls, 51–52

measuring risk and performance, 50–51

overview, 47–48

risk management plan, 55–56

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), 81

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), 109


basic skills, 110

behavior economics, 127

best practices, 76, 86–87

best value performance indicator (BVPI), 177

blogs, 143

BPR. See business process review

budget analysis, 85

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 25, 111

business plans, 75

business process review ...

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